Monday, September 6, 2010

Life in Dubai....

I know you are enjoying your Labor day, I am already through two days of the work week, and Thursday is a Holiday. Ramadan finally ends this Thursday, and it's a three day holiday. Unfortunately, two of the three days hit on a weekend this year...well there is always next year...
I have a nice car radio (absolutely no seg-way)and there is one station that does not sound like they are strangling a goat live on the air. It's "virgin Radio" out of the UK. In the afternoon's Ryan Seacrest (American Idol host) has a show. The rest of the DJ's are Brits, and the music is a dance/Top 40 blend. The call in's from the Arabs are funny as they get poked fun of with game show antics...It reminds me of America, and I actually have started to enjoy it. Lot's of M & M, Rianna, and Keesha. Although I do get to hear Bob sing Enie, meaney, miney Moe lover at the top of his lungs...Well it is "Shorty" singing, might as well, have Bob bellowing along.
The roads have tons of traffic radar camera's along the way, and if you get a ticket, you just pay the traffic ticket  fine. Now, I have decided that I am not going to waste money on tickets...Well today, a courior delivered a fine (625 Dirhams -$160USD)...I could not read the Arabic ticket, but I could read the time and date...well, the leasing company had my car for service when the ticket was issued...I have a call in...we'll see if I have to go to the "Ruler's Court" or if my leasing company will voluntarily pay the ticket they got...stay tuned!
I know that if you look at my Facebook pics you will think I am obsessed with the Burj Kahlifa. It is the worlds largest building that stands right next to my apartment. Now, I knew it was the world's tallest, but I did not realize how it dwarfs the other tall buildings in the world. It is over 200 stories high and is almost twice as high as the Empire State building. What a magnificiant structure. If you buy tickets in advance, you can elevator up to the observation deck. It costs a 100 Dirhaims (27 bucks)...I am waiting to do the tour with my first guest. Bob and Sandy went up during her recent visit...I can't wait!
Headed to the Mall of the Emerites for dinner, have a restful Labor Day, and I will catch up with you on my three day weekend!
It's sorta like a holiday today, so you get half a blog...
Love Ya!

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