Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hump Day is over downhill from here!!!

It is almost 7pm in Dubai, and I just decided to call it a day and head home from work, but first a quick update....

I have started working out at night....now the dilemma is before or after dinner. Sasha and Dominik (yes the correct spelling) are encouraging me to get back in shape...truly, I do know it is good for me, but I am sore...

At work my promotion was announced, but  think it has ruffled a few Lebanese feathers that an American has been promoted over the sales force. I will have my challenges to create a good working atmosphere as I lead the team to achieve new goals. Funny thing happened with a new product that was introduced to us...you may recall that the grocery stores have weird flavored potato chips (ketchup is a big seller), well Pringles tried to introduce through us a new flavor - Smokey BBQ Ribs flavor. I am fortunate to get free samples of new products, but I did not get that excited about this flavor profile, well to make a long story short, one of the ingredients is pork, alas, we will not be distributing....who heard of having pork in a potato chip?  Only in the UAE....

The big music update is (believe it or not) the country has Justin Bieber fever...Oh vay, I can not believe these people love his music. There is a big contest going on to win a trip to LA, to see him in concert...I know the kind of fever I would get from having to take an 18 hour flight to see Justin Bieber...sigh...

I watched my beloved Cowboys lose on Sunday night...0-2, at least I got to see it live...Last Sunday nights game I listened to on the radio before work at 4 am...The outcome on TV was not any better...Now my Reds are going to the playoffs, but I have only seen 3 games so far. I hope the playoffs will be televised here.

The weather is gradually getting cooler everyday, I think today it only reached 98 (I will watch Al Jazeera tv to confirm, after the how can we hate America even more segment, I will confirm today's weather), if it did not hit 100, it will be the first day under the century mark since I got here....I am actually getting used to it. Maybe when it is in the 80's this winter, I will need a sweater...lol...Sorry that my blog has been boring, all work is making me dull...I hopefully get out and do something fun....

I am missing my friends....


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