Saturday, September 4, 2010

Labor Day weekend....sorta...

Ok, if I have not told you already, I am offficially Ramadan'd out! This was the last weekend of Ramadan as it is scheduled to end next Thursday. I don't get Monday off, funny they do not celebrate Labor day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, 4th of July, MLK day, or Memorial Day here. They do have about a dozen Muslim holiday's, but most of them fall on weekends this year. They do not enjoy our custom of taking Monday off when the holiday falls on a weekend...oh well, I did get 30 vacation days in my package, so no crying!
Speaking of holidays, next Thursday begins the three day celebration of the end of Ramadan(Holiday,,,ding,ding, ding!) called Eids. Now since we last chatted, I enjoyed an Iftar at the Atlantis. My company is having an Iftar to end the season this Wednesday. Next year, let's enjoy our own Iftar/feasts while on my vacation in the states.
One of the customers that I have been courting called and invited me to bring friends to a dry run of his new restaraunt concept last night. So Bob, Fredarique(his Account Exec), and Dominic (infamous neighbor) went to try it out. It is an African menu. The staff wore traditional African garb, sang and danced to African drums. The servers were reqruited from Africa. Our waiter was from Zimbobway. (remember no spell really liked it had wonderful Prawn appatizer and amazing BBQ'd Ox tail.
Trying to keep up with my fantasy sports addiction, my baseball team is hanging in fourth place, and I actually got to watch my second game since I got here, Cardinal/Reds game (Reds lost sadly) It started at 4 am this morning. I was just beginning my last stage of my online fantasy football draft. So when I got done with everything at 7:45 this morning, I headed down for a workout. Now the good news to this lack of sleep is that there was another American guy working out. When Bob arrived and he heard Bob and I chatting about golf (rooting for Tiger to miss the cut) and baseball, he was excited. Said it was the first time he had heard someone discussing baseball games in almost a year(he's an Oakland A's that really baseball?)...What he had to say that was encouraging was that I will get to see American Football weekend we will see, and you will surely hear about my Cowboys.
Going to run to the mall and find some supper, then to bed, short work week starts in about 12 hours....Enjoy your weekend, and feel free to keep me in your thoughts Sunday morning. BTW, the UPS plane that crashed killing both Americans happened about 10 miles from my apartment, very sad.
Catch you back here soon,
