Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ramadan update,,,,and don't worry be happy...

First, I want to apologize if I sounded down in my last posting. I am living large, things are great...a few of you mentioned that my post was "lonely" or depressing...I assure you that was unintentional.
On the other hand, this Ramadan thing....geez. I never really gave much thought to the effect of the restaurant world being closed until 7 pm at night would effect me....I have always said that lunch was one of my five favorite meals of the day....Updating you on the season, as you may recall, from sun up til sun down Muslims can not eat or drink during this 30 day period and I can't let them see me eating or drinking. I get up from my desk a dozen times during the day and go into the back break room to drink a cup of water...the non-Muslims in the office (about half of the employees) have brought back the true meaning of hanging out at the water cooler...
The other thing with food that happens during Ramadan is called the "Iftar". The Iftar is the big meal that the faithful partake in right after sunset. It's an event and an organized mayhem. The Arabic restaurants set up special buffets and seating's and large groups and family's go out virtually every night to enjoy these Iftar dinners. The meaning is to "break fast", and they serve a date (Mideastern fruit) to start the meal, followed by Lentil soup, usually some other traditional appetizer, then the main dishes are Lamb or Hammur fish (reminds me of cod) or another Arab dish. Pastries and yogurts are served for desert. It is a feast...then at about 8:30 the restaurant starts normal seating for us As you may also recall, the company I work for is Lebanese owned, and most of Senior management is Muslim. Well I was able to experience an Iftar last night. The company Manager(President) hosted senior management for an Iftar dinner at a Lebanese Restaurant right next to the Mall of Dubai's (it was close by at least). So, I got to try a little bit of everything...
I think it will be next years Senior Management Iftar dinner until I attend another one...I did enjoy the good spirits...It is their "Christmas" season...They wish you a Ramadan Kareem (A generous Ramadan) everywhere you turn...
Ramadan will end next Friday or Saturday (Sept 10/11) will depend on celestial readings and wont be announced that its over until hours before it ends...Then becomes the Ead al-fitr. This is a three day celebration of the end of Ramadan. They usually give to the poor or a charity as a part of the celebration, it is a fascinating time to be here, but I would not call it enjoyable...
Our restaurant customers have taken a bath during this time, a couple of the steakhouses that we have are doing a third of their normal business....ten more days....
A couple of my Christian coworkers have invited me to their church service this Friday evening, I am looking forward to attending, and I am certain it will inspire me to update "our" blog.
Well, the weekend is almost here, I am bushed...I will try and find something interesting to share soon....
Hope you are having a "Ramadan Kareem"...

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