Saturday, September 11, 2010

Holiday Weekend is coming to an end...

Well, my three day weekend is almost over. I have not done a lot this weekend...Quick workouts in the morning, followed by about an hour of lying out and swimming. I am trying to follow my Reds from here. It is entirely from the internet, unfolrtunately-There is no ESPN on my Allah blessed cable...I do get two NFL football games live this weekend. I get the "Fox sports" feed, so the 1 pm and 4 pm games and the Fox NFL Sunday start on tv at 8 pm here. Yes, I work my first day of the week, get home have dinner, then back to back NFL games...It will end at 2 am, so Monday may be a little taxing. I need for baseball to be over, I wake up most mornings a little after 4 am, and turn on the internet radio broadcast of the reds...I am too old to do this much longer, although I was excited to have the Cards lose and Reds win last night...6 games up!

The logistics of getting products from America for work is getting a little frustrating, if a customer wants an American product it takes me over 60 days to order and get it here. I have always been proud of my sales ability, but this is a little taxing. There are very common foodservice items like film and foil wrap that are not plentiful here. Lot of opportunity, just have to get the salesforce trained, and the products in stock.

There is a definate possability that the authorities are reading this, so occasionally I censor myself, that being said, please don't encourage/support the burning of Islamic bibles. It has gotten the Muslims stirred up and I have already had a couple of people talk with me about it. There is a chance that a volatile situation could arise here. I am enjoying the feeling of safety, and I really don't want to lose it over a zealot that just wants to symbolically lash out. I have business in Abu Dhabi on Sunday, and while there I plan on visiting the US Embassy. Hopefully I can vote, and also let my American Government know where I am in case of crisis. We are not far from Iran 1/2 hour by motor boat and things could heat up rather quickly.

Things happen everyday that I think that I need to rember to share...a good example is that our lifeguard at the pool does not know how to swim. You can't make up some of the zaniness that is everyday life here. From the human interest front, our good friend Sham got a promotion. He now is the Company Presidents personal assistant. He has a couple of cleaning guys reporting to him. I still think he is living a tough life, he has a 40 minute bike ride to and from work everyday, in this  Today's high will only be 101 degrees, the coolest day since I arrived. Forecast is for over 100 all next week, maybe we'll enjoy sub 100 degree highs next week.

Traffic ticket update...I am not out of the woods yet, the leasing company is trying to hold me responsable. Stay tuned, I am not done fighting this one!

Headed to the Mall for lunch (Ramadan is thankfully over) and having Ribeye steaks and baked potato's with Bob for dinner. I watched the 9-11 special on Fox news this morning, still brings tears to my eyes...I hope that it always will, it is a strange place to be on this day, but brings home my country and my loyalties...

God Bless You and God Bless America!


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